

There are many different types of glass than the standard clear float glass.

There are also many different patterns, most of which we should be able to match if the need arises.

In addition to this there’s toughened and laminated glass.

The difference between toughened and laminated glass

Laminated glass similar to the windscreen of your car. With laminated glass it is effectively two pieces of glass with a film in between. In the event of a glass breakage, whilst the glass will break it will hold together. Toughened glass uses a toughening process different from laminated glass.

Whilst it is hard to break toughened glass, should it break it will shatter into thousands of small harmless pieces. This again is similar to the side windows of a car which are toughened. If you have ever been unlucky enough to have a side window of your car potted, you will have noticed that it shatters into many pieces. This is toughened glass.

The choice of toughened or laminated glass is of course up to you. Laminated glass tends to be more expensive and heavier than toughened glass. If you want maximum security laminated glass, it will hold together when broken unlike toughened. Both types are suitable and acceptable under legal requirements and building regulations.

Where is toughened/safety required?

It is a legal requirement that toughened safety glass must be fitted to all replacement doors. This legal requirement for toughened safety glass also extends to windows near floor level and other “critical locations”.

This safety glazing rule is laid down in The Building Regulations for England & Wales and gives clear information where toughened safety glass is required. The same rules apply when existing windows are being replaced or for new windows fitted into new buildings.

Put simply, the critical area in a window or a door is the glazing that you are likely to come into contact with as you move around a house or building. This possible contact with glass must ensure:

So where is it actually needed?

For any single, double or triple glazed replacement windows or doors, the following types as well as locations will need safety glass.

There are other areas where you may wish to consider the use of safety glass. If you are fitting a window near your bath or shower the finished floor level will actually be higher if taken from the shower tray or the bath itself.

The table below shows the locations along with measurements


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On-site estimates

If you would rather we visit your home to measure and provide an accurate price, we can do this for you without charge.

For more information, or to place an order, contact us on 01204 896119